Student Support Outsourcing

Our trained, online customer service staff are here to support your growing student inquiries, offering you a scalable helpdesk solution to handle all the front-line questions and back-end support.

Multi-Channel Support

Our team can handle support from a variety of sources, including phone, email, social media, forums, comment moderation and more.

Premium Support Tools

We provide the software at no extra charge. You get a helpdesk and customer support portal designed to match your business needs.

Major Cost-Savings

More cost effective than traditional call centers or training your own team. We charge a monthly fee based on the average daily volume, not by ticket.

Getting Started – Your First Month

Here’s what typically happens when we start working together.


We start by sending you our free student/customer support needs assessment, after which we will connect with you to discuss a customized solution to best fit your business.


We’ll either set up your helpdesk software or work with your existing ticket system. Our team will then begin to learn about your programs, courses and policies and create modifiable templates and knowledgebase articles to help answer common student questions.


We begin responding to a wide variety of common questions right away. For uncommon or complex issues, we will contact you, however over time, questions will gradually disappear.

Don't Be Shy

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.