Inngage Community Learning System

Step up to a state-of-the-art Online Community Learning System. Inngage has been perfected through more than a decade of continuous eLearning systems development and deployment in major educational and training institutions.


Social Learning

Whether participants are sitting next to each other or across the globe, they’ll find eLearning much more motivational if they can share experiences with each other. Inngage social tools embedded in course presentations allow participants to get acquainted, work together and hold each other accountable toward putting new skills into practice.

Blended Modalities

Inngage is great at presenting 24/7 on-demand eLearning experiences, but the highest impact educational programs also blend in live, online instructor-led instruction & class discussion. Inngage facilitates live, online cohort experiences and even accommodates blending online instruction with in-person coaching and classroom experiences.


Courses created on the Inngage platform are plug & play compatible with other Inngage deployments, enabling low-barrier cross licensing and multiple distribution opportunities for educational content. Inngage can also support content wrappers and other provisions for migrating course content to or from other learning management systems.

Getting Started

Here’s what typically happens when we start working together.


We consider your existing learning management system effectiveness and/or what you need from a new system. We’ll help you scope out how to get to the next level within your budget.


Our team acts as a general contractor, system developer or systems integrator to build, set up or tie together the learning systems needed to accomplish your goals.


Our support is end-to-end. Once your system is tested and deployed, we offer staff training and if desired, continuous turnkey end-user support.

Take it for a Spin

Let’s set up a test drive and schedule demo.